But I really hope to offer a perspective beyond my own, so I have asked our team to share from their experience.
Today's reflections are brought to you from Julia!
"Peru almost didn’t happen for me. In the past year I had put myself through a lot of heartbreak. I became very reserved and tried to hide my brokenness because to me, my brokenness made me weak. I didn’t want people to see me cry and I didn’t want people to know my story. The enemy made me think that my story made me worthless and that I should be embarrassed. My anxiety was really bad and the smallest things would set off panic attacks. I struggled to cope with it all and my stress was causing some small health problems. My mom was ready to call the trip off for me, but my heart was aching to go to Peru so bad. I wanted to answer the call God had placed on my life.At first I felt so unqualified for the trip, and hearing other team members explain their place on the team made me feel even more unqualified because I didn’t see where I fit into the big picture. I knew God had called me to this trip, but I was struggling to see why He wanted to use me, especially in such a broken season of my life.
Throughout the trip I struggled with personal battles, that I made sure to try and hide from the rest of the team. Along with that, I was still struggling to see how God was going to use me in Peru. On the night I was asked to share my testimony, I was so scared. I stayed reserved, but as I shared, I felt peace over me. God was stretching me and growing me. This was the first step I had to take in order to start the healing process.
I didn’t think there was anything I could offer on the trip. But I realized it wasn’t about what I had to offer, it was simply the fact that I answered His call. In the midst of my storm, I stopped to hear His voice, and what He spoke to me was so beautiful.
'Your brokenness is beautiful. I gave you your sensitive heart, and it’s okay to be vulnerable. I gave you this heart for a reason. You’re brokenness doesn’t disqualify you for My work, you are healing. I use broken people and I’m still building your testimony.'"
Julia AKA Ju-Ju, Spider-Monkey, Tree-Ninja ...
Her personality is undeniably effervescent. There is a radiance about her spirit that just shines so bright, she attracts everyone like a magnet. But more so, I'd say she is like a firefly that every one wants to catch with the light of God shining in her. A light you cannot shut off.
Delicate, and at the same time fierce and fearless. I admired her strength at such a young age, both in her vulnerability and in her approach to challenges; no matter what lay ahead she ran into it head on.
Despite not knowing her until this trip, I felt like the moments we shared I could really connect and relate to what she was feeling even if the battle looked different; the warfare was much the same.
I am so thankful I had the chance to take this adventure with you Julia! I know that what the enemy has meant to break you in your life .... that pit he tried to bury you in, is not a pit at all ... but in fact a deep well of living water that you will draw from to share the beauty of our loving Father! The way that you fearlessly completed that high ropes course in our training, that's how I see you running your race in life. Jumping out wherever God leads you like a spider-monkey with that brave, adventurous spirit He has put inside of you! I only hope I have the privilege of joining with you in more of them!
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